
Mining Gods be praised

Eric Harbour 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 4

Its a new DASH block!!!!! This makes me happy, very happy. Scotch all around my friends.


Well nevermind...


Can't help but upvoting your sarcasm. You cannot imagine my frustration after leaving no stone unturned throughout the past ten hours. *sad panda*

With this game comes risk, ups and downs, and trust me I understand frustrations... I own a D3. LMAO. We know the risks, hope that luck out weighs the odds, and above all we are riding this wave together. No matter what the coin is. Just good to know that someone got a laugh out of my dark sense of humor.

I'm going to bed, when I get up I'm hoping for like 4 blocks found and completed... if not, i'm going to complain alot and then go to work like I always do. Maybe if we play some SLAYER, the blocks will come out to play!!!!!!