Under review

Monacoin pool feels stale again

Bobby 6 years ago updated by Oliver 6 years ago 26

No block in 13 hours. Don't really believe in that. Please check.

Under review

Already did twice.

You can also check yourself by looking at the pool wallet for deposits.

Don't forget that the Monacoin pool is down to 25 GH/s from 40 GH/s at its peak. Probably due to miners returning to Nicehash.


I switched back to this pool after briefly trying Nicehash again for 2 days. Nicehash has suspended payments of 0.01BtC indefinitely “due to high transaction fees”. That means I’d have to mine for 3 months with them to earn a 0.1BTC payment.  Once that becomes apparent to the returning users, you’ll see them leave again, unless Nicehash changes its stance. Most miners aren’t going to trust Nicehash to hold their BTC for 3 months. For now, I’m back with poolmining.



0.1 BTC payout limit? Wow, just wow.

Yeah, the block finding rate has really gone down in the last day or so.  Looking at the Pool (23.8GH/s) and Network (2300 GH/s) rates, I'd expect ~10 blocks a day. The expected figure was lower earlier in the week, about 7-8 blocks a day; this was happening over the last week, but we really seem to be struggling today/yesterday.  As long as it's just the luck of the draw...

Keep up the good work Poolmining!  I appreciate it, even if no other bugger does!

Well, whadda you know?  You wait ages for a block and then 8 show up at once...


18 hours again since a burst of blocks. It's either feast or famine with monacoin hahaha

hmm, 20 hours now, and sometimes I found the hashrate on my status is 0, while the miner is working properly and I can see the share number increasing. Weird. 


And I see many times the share does drop! Looks like the blocks are not shown and payout is not working.

I'm seeing the same. 

Those are payments as indicated by the many receivers which correspond to the receivers on the pool's payments tab. A mined block is denoted by a single transaction labelled "Generated Coins".

So, are we just having a bad run then?

you are right... :-/ just bad luck?


Move to another pool is the best way to avoid bad luck or P2pool here:http://p2p-multipool.eu:2942/static/


Do I come to your house and tell people to leave? 

The pool is connected to two Monacoin Daemons. Both daemons are fully synched to the latest block height. The pool itself has a 1 GBit pipe to each of the daemons and another one to the internet. CPU load on the daemon servers (8 Core Server with 64 GB RAM each) and pool server (another 8 Core Server with 64 GB RAM) is negligible. The daemon hosts each have their own 1 GBit link to the internet.  Ping between pool and daemon servers is 0.2ms. It doesn't get any faster than this. I'm running out of ideas.

Turn it off and on again!  Or is that not a welcome suggestion ;-)

I did not physically turn off/on the servers but I've restarted the daemons and the pool multiple times. Its puzzling.


I’m giving it one more day. It’s understandable that we will have rough patches with the increase of difficulty but there comes a time where you have to cut your loses and move to a different coin/pool. It’s the nature of mining.


Jaccob: Totally understandable.

Huzzah!  Did you change anything, Poolmining Support?

No. Nothing.


When something happened, it's hard to gain confidence again, for example, I never come back to NiceHash, I've uninstalled their program, I don't believe them my lost 0.005 BTC by so called hacker. Some customer said, if you lost more than 4000 BTC, I don't believe you put all your BTC on the server not to store most part of them on your cold wallet, only a small portion enough to pay the next payout. Do you believe NiceHash one time payout worth of more than 4000 BTC?


What the hell has Nicehash to do with any of this? 

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