Under review

AEON-outrageous amount of shares in my "account"

Im TheLordOfGames 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 3

For some reason, I have an outrageous amount of shares in my aeon "account." I have over 19 million, when I know I mined only to give between a couple thousand to 10,000 shares. Would there be any reason for me having this much?

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I know this pool had some issues and I hope they are fixed. But this is a major concern because I dont want to get paid more 90% of the block (when we get a block) when other people have worked hard also.

The share calculation was changed to reflect difficulty. Basically your new count is shares*difficulty. This way, miners can compare with each other how much they have actually mined against the pool given vardiff.

Under review

This speaks for you. But you should be fine because those shares are not simple counts but the sum of your shares difficulty. Please have a look here: http://poolmining.userecho.com/forums/1-general/topics/185-planned-changes-for-display-shares-under-my-stats/

I just forgot you said something about that. OK, that amount seems to be not suspicious anymore. Thanks for reminding me :)