so I feel like I'm not getting my fair share of payout ....can support help clear this up?

bfish 6 years ago 0

To start: my wallet address is: Vkk3rhcimHThLhoXqQmqL5E8qDoavqmTiX

So I already tried to email via private message (ticket ID#64, no reply after 24 hrs) so I thought I'd try a public forum may get some more traction... I suspected I wasn't getting a proportional amount of pay to my work at first, but I'm pretty sure after the last two payouts it confirms it (height 840663 and 840617). To start, my miner (ccminer) reports on average between 105-110 MH/s on average. The website has been anywhere from 65-105 MH/s, but reports me probably around 80MH/s most often. On the last payout, I had the advantage that the block was found after just 2 hours from the last block, and I watched the statistics very often (checked at least ever 15 minutes). There was on average 144 - 150 miners during that 2 hours, and ~6.6 GH/s pool average for VTC coin. So, even if I was contributing the same as everyone else, a payout of 50 VTC among 150 miners would have been ~0.33 VTC. However, I was contributing 110 MH/s (or if you look at the website calculation it estimated more around 80 MH/s) -- so even using the lower end of the estimate,I was contributing at least 1.21% of the pool hash rate, even though I made up only 1/150 or  0.67% of the miners. So I should have gotten at *least* the even average of 50 VTC/150 miners (0.33), if not more based off of my 2x 1070 TI's and 1x quadro P4000 and higher hashrate than the pool average. But from 2 of the last payouts, I only received ~0.2 VTC -- less than the average distributed among the ~150 miners. There was also the instance from a few blocks back where I mined for 4-5 hours on it then stopped, yet received no payout. Can someone please explain why my payout was so low on the last two -- am I missing something here? I just want a fair shake... Thanks.