
Cannot connect via ethminer

Colton 7 years ago updated by Oliver 7 years ago 3

Not sure if this is the right way to setup.  Cannot connect to pool

./ethminer -SP 2 -Fstratum+tcp://eth.poolmining.org:3073/WALLET_ADDRESS/WORKERNAME/EMAIL -G --farm-recheck 500 --cuda-streams 26 --cuda-parallel-hash 4'

trying this as well

tmux new -d -s miner 'cd $HOME/Ethminer/bin && ./ethminer -SP 2 -U -S http://eth.poolmining.org:3073 -O WALLET_ADDRESS.WORKER_NAME:x --farm-recheck 500 --cuda-streams 26 --cuda-parallel-hash 4'

Under review

Investigating. Are you using the one from here: https://github.com/ethereum-mining/ethminer/releases

And just to be sure, you did replace WALLET_ADDRESS.WORKER_NAME with your actual wallet and worker name did you?


There were multiple problems with your command line. 

  1. Don't add http:// to the stratum address
  2. Don't append the password like you did with :x

Correct way:

ethminer -SP 2 -U -S eth.poolmining.org:3073 -O WALLET_ADDRESS.WORKER_NAME --farm-recheck 500 --cuda-streams 26 --cuda-parallel-hash 4

Hope that helps :-)