block rewards estimates

Jim M. 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 4

Assume the ETH pool maintains 20 workers (1.5 gigahash) when can we expect a block? Weeks? Months?

Unless somehow people add A LOT more of power, I'd put my estimate near the heat death of the universe... =/

Well we hit 2 blocks in a single day before after about 5-6 weeks of the pool being with a consistant ~1+- Ghz. The payout was sweet though. So the variance is very random and crazy for low hash rate as ours. I think if we would grow to at least 2Ghz we could get more regular blocks, as in in probably on average once every 2 weeks. :) On the good side, our hash rate has been growing and the Nicehash meltdown has helped...

So the last time you got a pay out, it took 5-6 weeks mining ? What is your hash rate and how much did you get ?

Hi Tuan, I had only been mining for a little more than one full day before the first two block payouts. I received 0.024 which is worth nearly $11. So, at 150 megahashes the payout seemed standard and yet as a new miner on the pool (at that time) I would have been rewarded with less priority to others. I've recently been paid 0.08 eth for the recent uncle block and I have accumulated a lot of shares which I expect will reward me very nicely once we get another full block (because the payout system prioritizes dedicated miners).