No vertcoin blocks found yet?

ThatGuy 6 years ago updated by JPB18 6 years ago 4

Am I seeing correctly that the vertcoin pool has not found a block yet?  How long has this pool been active?  Surely with the current pool hashrate there should have been a block found by now.

Needs more hashing power overall, we've at best 0.3% of the hashing power in the entire network...

Sure, we're small, but with a ~2 minute block time equating to ~700 blocks per day, we should be averaging around 2 blocks per day at .3%.  I realize we've only recently jumped up to .3%, but that's some pretty terrible luck to have not found anything at all, unless the pool just started.

To be fair, 3 hours later, we already found 2 VTC coins! It's improving!