Under review


Jerrimu 6 years ago updated by Oliver 6 years ago 9

Guess it's closed? Are the shares just gone?

Under review

Not its not closed it all. The daemon has trouble connecting to peers at the moment.

   It didn't load and then it wasn't on https://poolmining.org/ . Guess you took it down til its fixed?

It's something that needs to be fixed on the web-frontend. Whenever a pool is down for a couple minutes it becomes invisible on the website. Turned out that the daemon managed to trash its blockchain data. It's currently re-synching (at 8% currently).

Thanks for the communication, sorry I panicked.

Don't worry. I would never take a pool down for good without issuing advance warning.

Daemon sync progress 50%. I will take a snapshot of the blockchain after sync is complete in case that happens again.

Looks like it is down again? Or additional maintenance? Just curious..


[2017-12-06 21:23:37.9339] [I] [aeon1] [Monero Job Manager] Daemons have downloaded 97.78% of blockchain from 8 peers
[2017-12-06 21:24:18.1009] [I] [aeon1] [Monero Job Manager] Daemons have downloaded 97.81% of blockchain from 8 peers

The last couple percent appear to take ages.