
DNS error for xmr.coinfoundry.org

Mahmood 6 years ago updated by Oliver 6 years ago 6

I use "xmr.coinfoundry.org:3032" for xmrig (cpu and gpu version). However, I get

[xmr.coinfoundry.org:3032] DNS error: "unknown node or service"

What should I do? I can ping coinfoundry.org but not xmr.coinfoundry.org

$ ping xmr.coinfoundry.org
ping: xmr.coinfoundry.org: Name or service not known
$ ping coinfoundry.org
PING coinfoundry.org ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from static. ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=44 time=121 ms
--- coinfoundry.org ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 1 received, 50% packet loss, time 1001ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 121.554/121.554/121.554/0.000 ms

Under review

Which country are you trying to mine from?


Should be fixed now. We simply didn't have GeoIP mappings for the middle-east.

From Iran.

Currently, I am using pool.monero.hashvault.pro:3333 and it is working. Does that matter?

No, doesn't matter and now it should work here too.

I have used  hashvault.pro for multiple days. As I check "my stat" in the coinfoundry website, it says the hashrate is 0. Is that related to the pool name? I mean I want to know if that stat only works with xmr.coinfoundry? If that is yes, then how can I see how many coins I have earned?

Hashrate updates after a couple minutes. If you could post your miner config or start script I could have a look.