Will I get paid when the block is found if I stop mining for a while?

REVOLTRAX 6 years ago updated by Jim M. 6 years ago 2

Hello, I've been mining for quite a while on adress: 0x4fcf74ab90e5d95fe0e0ef0b0c5bac5f790a2c4e

I've got few payouts but it's been a while since I've got one, 40 days almost, and I've been thinking about stopping mining for some time/switching pools since I really need more frequent payouts. Will I get my payout when the block is found if I am not mining at that moment? Ty.

PS: I've mined ETH at hashrate of 120mh/s (4x RX 580 8GB) for almost 40 days and no payout..

If you stop mining you will still get paid for your contribution once the next block is found.

Could the admin chime in? I'm not sure it's accurate to say you will be paid REVOLTRAX. Well, there are four rounds, so perhaps the longer you are gone the further down the four tiers you will go thus receiving a smaller proportion of the payout, I think?

On another note. Keep in mind that the more miners leave the longer it takes to find a block. Abandoning the pool is kind of the worst thing you can do to ensure you finally get your payout. A much better course of action is to go online to encourage other miners to join us here. If we can gradually rebuild our ethereum pool hash power we all benefit; and those of us who have a lot of shares will benefit the most because we're at the top of the class.