Under review

Ive been mining maybe a month LTC with my two l3+ and no payout

iwm 6 years ago updated by Martin Widmer-Phutadon 6 years ago 11

How do i know i am ever going to be paid out?


Same here! I dont know what is happening!

Under review

I've already checked everything twice without noticing any problems but I'm going invest some more time today.


same here in the raven pool,  found a block and still no stats or payment !!

I smell a scam maybee ?

After updating the most recent version of litecoind, block updates appear to be coming in with less latency that with the previous release that we ran until now.

Keep us updated please!

All our litecoind instances are (and already were) fully synched to the blockchain. New blocks received by the daemons propagate to all pool servers within less than 100ms. So technically everything's running as fast always. What's changed is that litecoind appears to be quicker receiving block updates from the chain now. 

As I stated in a previous post, I too was mining for almost 6 weeks.  I had initial payouts on day 3 or 4 but then for 5 weeks nothing.  I had two L3+'s mining on the pool.  I too am interested in what you find even though I had to go to a different pool since I was receiving no payouts for 5 weeks.  Look forward to the outcome / findings. Thank you.

No payment yet here!!! Already passed 2 months!


Same here. Have been mining for some time now and haven´t got any payments. Whats the deal with LTC  pool ?  last payments showing 2 months ago :/ ?!

The pool haven't found any blocks in that time, so no payouts either.