
what happened to the btg pool?

Im TheLordOfGames 6 years ago updated by Jim M. 6 years ago 4

the btg site isn't on the home page anymore, a direct link wont work, and failing to connect to the pool itself via miner


We cannot justify having miners wasting time on a pool unable to find blocks. The pool will be down until we absolutely positively verify that nothing technically prevents the pool from finding blocks. Shares will be retained of course.

I recently switched here from mona and not seeing anything happen in the last 24 hours or so. The payments page says NO RESULTS but i'm guessing that it's just not showing me any data being new to this pool. I'm going to continue waiting as I see 53 other miners in here who must be mining somehting. Should I just continue to be patient?


Patience is definitely the answer. Small pools won't find blocks often but you'll get rewarded attractively if you are consistent and patient. I mined 3 weeks before receiving any payout on the Ethereum pool. 


Everything has been sorted. We just need more hash power.