Under review

Mining Verge on X17 algo

tomos 6 years ago updated by BigSmoke 6 years ago 10


I've switched to your mining pool 2 days ago and wanted to make sure if everything is working correctly, because balance still shows 0 XVG and I know I'm easily able to mine 10 coins a day.

Also, the hashrate charts on my dashboard don't work anymore (they did at first) and such lack of information (for example compared to yiimp pool, pending balance etc.) made me start to think if I should continue mining here.

I'd really like to see more information on 'my dashboard' in the future as it makes it much easier to monitor what's going on with the mining.

Please read the FAQ.

Coinfoundry is a PPLNS pool, meaning you get paid per amount of shares per block we find.

It seems that the X17 Verge pool hasnt found a block yet, so thats why you havent been paid

Yes I know, although I don't know if I understand it correctly.

So when the miner says:

x17 block 2098163, diff...

x17 block 2098164, diff...


does it mean the block was found or completed or ?


idk what miner you are using.

however, miners never tell you if a block has been found by you

the new block with the difficulty is the way are telling you that a block has already been solved by somebody on the network and a new block is ready to be solved (kinda hard to explain)

    or the miner is changing difficulty to make it easier to send shares

also to counter what you said about "not having enough info for the dashboard":

      we have pending balance, paid balance, graphs, network hash(hard for verge because multialgo), pool hash, number          of miners, price to usd and euro, your personal dash has payments and a graph for 24 hour and 30 days, and more.


The only thing we dont have benchmarks (dont need) and amount mined per k/M/G/T hash (which we dont need, because its a per block pool, you can go to whattomine for that)

Under review

Couldn't have explained it any better.

By pending balance I meant yeah I have a count of my shares, but I don't know how much XVG I'm gonna get for that - don't know if there's any way of calculating that tho.

Let me just ask one more question:

so, theoretically, if we're extremely unlucky and 'we' (as Coinfoundry) don't find a block like ever, I may not get paid?

Sorry if it sounds lame but I'm fairly new in the business.

No, problem Tomos. And yes that's correct. If a PPLNS pool does not find blocks it has nothing to pay the miners from. An unlikely scenario, especially since the pool's hashrate just increased.

Hi Oliver, been here for a while and wondering if it is true that there was no single block found since the X17 pool was set up. I gained some stakes in the meantime, but mining alone seems not very effective :( Do you see a way speeding Things up? Thx for your reply!  DJyMoCrVuNr1VudTjzJaHMkxRbxSeejBLp

Hey. I agree while the other two Verge Pools are quite healthy, the situation of the X17 is depressing. After the positive feedback on Twitter about opening a X17 Verge pool, the actual contribution has been pretty weak. I could probably update your submitted shares to apply to the Blake2s pool to at least secure a payment for you.

That would be awesome, you‘re too kind! Vergecurrency sub on reddit brought me here as well and I really like your pool and your fast and kind support! There should be more miners here definitely... 

I keep an eye on your pool and hope that more guys are joining. If it’s possible to move the shares, I would really appreciate it!


Maybe there's a need to spread the word about the pool on some other sites?

I read about CF on the vergercurrency reddit and was really looking forward for the launch of X17 pool but after mining for ~4 days and seeing 1-3 miners online and no payouts I switched back to my previous pool... but I'm gonna keep an eye on the situation and possibly will be back later.

Until then I'd also like to ask for adding my shares to Blake2s pool if there's such possibility:
