Under review

Monero block after 6 days at 120% effort

Oliver 6 years ago updated by SPLDust 6 years ago 9

We just hit a Monero block after 6 days at 120% effort at approx. 80% lower hashrate than the previous one that took forever. I'd say we're back to normal. 

I'm going to to host a block bounty campaign on reddit to attract more miners.I'll update this post once the campaign starts so everyone wanting to help getting the campaign some visibility may contribute by upvoting and/or commenting.

bout dam time things normalize out... Now I dont want to switch to the new bitcoin one lol

Hi Oliver, can you pay me out? I have 0.09966 XMR balance in my account. 

Addres is 


I will switch off my miners and dont want to waste more time to mine. 

Under review


Hey Oliver, I'm new to this pool.  How often should I see reward updates when I check my account?43xJjkU1XvLbEueRKrt5KpgWy6BmK3eGgLc3CN3cLfUULzE8Z4LdXN86LFYSWCYrHtGpYT68CLDRT3pJui3FhUmrP1NotWb

Honestly, its going to be sporadic. We dont have enough hash to constantly earn blocks. It could be a few hours or it could be a few days or longer, who knows. Right now it's based on luck


I have allocated a budget to promote the XMR pool with a block-bounty campaign where the finder of the next 25-30 consecutive blocks receives a bonus of 0.1 XMR. I'm still working on some code to make the bounty booking full automated. In addition to that I've resumed work on the Coinfoudry GUI Miner (think Minergate without the crap).

I will be very interested in the GUI Miner

hi oliver,

I also want to stop my miners. 

Can you pay me out?

Wallet: 46Nh6CWXQ7mAUhMg8xzwHTKxTR1X82bwdhKoCRStwFYvRYKmEeLTwhoWbwaVe4vUMveKAzAiA4j8xgUi29TpKXpm428YubZ
