Under review

how do i fix "algo" : "-a blake2s",

Greg Zagorki 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 12

I would greatly appreciate any help from anyone that can tell me how I can fix this 

 "algo" : "-a blake2s", it is not letting me run the  cc-miner-x64 

Under review

Greg: Could you post the exact command you are trying to run?

Run forest RUN :))

ccminer.conf is this what you are looking for . lol momma always told me life is like a box of chocolates 


please let me know if this is what you wanted to see .I am sorry that I am a noob to all this I am really trying to learn and if any feed back to how I can get this up and going I would greatly appreciate any help from anyone. I know there has to be at least one person that would be ever so kind enough to help me out I still do believe there is at one decent person in this world. anyways enough of my rambling . Gabineagu you can call me a retard all you want if that is what makes you a feel good I will be happy to let you call me anything you wish just to make you happy and feel like a big man then go right ahead.

Yes please post the contents of your ccminer.conf if you are starting your miner just by running ccminer.exe or ccminer-x64.exe.

here is my ccminer.conf 

Miner configuration

     "max-log-rate" : 30,
     "quiet" : false,
     "debug" : false,
     "protocol" : false,
     "cpu-priority" : 3,
     "algo" : "blake2s",
     "url" : "stratum+tcp://xvg2.coinfoundry.org:3165",
     "user" : "DL5p274pjfhtGfwwKyZR5Az5SgmdKviRvJ",
     "pass" : ""

Looks right to me.

thank you for you help with my problem .i think its working the eis showing that it is accepting blocks but the site shows no hashrate or anything at all can you help with that

Hashrate is showing. It's all fine and good to go. This is your dashboard: https://coinfoundry.org/pool/xvg2/account/DL5p274pjfhtGfwwKyZR5Az5SgmdKviRvJ

hello Oliver 

I hate to bother you but my cat got up on my desktops keyboard and somehow manage to restart my pc I had to relog onto my verge miner and I am on my dashboard it does not show me having any hashrate can you pleast let me know if my miner is working.

Thank you 
