Under review

Monero pay outs

PeteOZ 6 years ago updated by Oliver 6 years ago 3

It does not seem like the pool is doing to well for Monero why is that? I am kind of new to this

I just started a few days ago when I realized I had 12 cores of server in the basement I wasn't using. So I think this is just a small pool and therefore has long stretches between blocks.. Theoretically , it all eventually works out to be similar payout in the end.

But I just kinda picked this pool randomly and I am starting to feel like something is wrong. Then i think that this pool op also devs his own custom pool software and I wonder if something could be off, timing, a bit , something who knows , and its causing all of the pools blocks to be "bad" and we will never get a good one.  I am new to monero after playing with alot of bit coin back in the 7 dollar days, so I really dont know if its just high complexity of the networks vs our small combined hashrate and we just gotta be patient. Besides weirdly excited Giovanni, is there anyone else that can confirm they have gotten payouts?  His posts are a little much, it almost seems like propaganda  to keep people here.   But they could be honest. I just dont know, and I am hoping some people from the community speak up and let me know everything is ok, and just be patient.  

Under review

Are we talking about the Monero Pool?

@Funkyminer: Both the Dash pool and to a degree the Mona pool regulary find blocks and the miners get paid the instant the coinbase tx reaches the mandatory 100 confirmations. All payments are visible both at the pool's payments tab and on the blockchain.  We are working our ass off to provide a stable and pleasent mining experience for everyone, but we cannot force luck. Neither can we magically force hashpower on the underperforming pools.