Under review

Ethereum and Ethereum Classic pools down until further notice

Oliver 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 6

Due to a critical bug in Parity, our Ethereum and Ethereum Classic pools will be down until further notice as it would be irresponsible to expose miners to this any longer.


So what happens to our earned shares?  I'm still sitting on ~0.2 ETH that should have been sent to my wallet but wasn't for a number of months now.  I realize that's not a lot of $$ currently, but it was quite a bit more just a few months ago and could easily be worth more again in the future.

I started mining on Coinfoundry because it appeared to be a well organized site with good pools, but I may have to rethink that and move my XMR miners to a different pool as well.

Really don't like losing shares that were legitimately earned on your pool.

Under review

Ablixeron: I fully understand your frustration. But would it be responsible to let miners work against a pool that distributes work from node that fails to inform the pool about new blocks? If you and anyone else provides his wallet address in this thread I will verify all claims and distribute the pending balances asap.

I understand there are issues with parity, but the fact about unpaid earned shares remains.  Would certainly appreciate anything you can do to help.

My ETH wallet is:


For reference, my XMR wallet is:


I've no issue with your XMR pool, it is fair and appears to be working well.

Thank you.

Below is the current state of that wallet - directly from the pool database. As you can see the last payment was sent on 06-21 after which the balance was reset. That someone is sitting on an unpaid balance of 0.2 ETH when the pool has a payment limit of 0.1 ETH shouldn't ever happen and hasn't ever happen throughout the lifetime of the pool. Could it be possible that your memory in this regard is wrong or applies to a different pool?

miningcore=# select * from balances where poolid = 'eth1' and lower(address) = lower('0xbF9c6349111298f42b767bD603826E6c2acBD9CB');
poolid | coin | address | amount | created | updated
eth1 | ETH | 0xbf9c6349111298f42b767bd603826e6c2acbd9cb | 0.000000000000 | 2018-02-19 17:14:19.58346 | 2018-06-21 08:47:34.013312
(1 row)

miningcore=# select * from balance_changes where poolid = 'eth1' and lower(address) = lower('0xbF9c6349111298f42b767bD603826E6c2acBD9CB') order by created desc;
id | poolid | coin | address | amount | usage | created
656293 | eth1 | ETH | 0xbf9c6349111298f42b767bd603826e6c2acbd9cb | -0.044945619786 | Balance reset after payment | 2018-06-21 08:47:34.013625
656228 | eth1 | ETH | 0xbf9c6349111298f42b767bd603826e6c2acbd9cb | 0.044945619786 | Reward for 58.03 T shares for block 5827456 | 2018-06-21 08:44:37.236995
619598 | eth1 | ETH | 0xbf9c6349111298f42b767bd603826e6c2acbd9cb | -0.052982801172 | Balance reset after payment | 2018-06-06 12:46:49.811581
619469 | eth1 | ETH | 0xbf9c6349111298f42b767bd603826e6c2acbd9cb | 0.052982801172 | Reward for 53.88 T shares for block 5742109 | 2018-06-06 12:44:31.039671
593577 | eth1 | ETH | 0xbf9c6349111298f42b767bd603826e6c2acbd9cb | -0.044029356220 | Balance reset after payment | 2018-05-29 07:17:38.973934
593431 | eth1 | ETH | 0xbf9c6349111298f42b767bd603826e6c2acbd9cb | 0.044029356220 | Reward for 48.04 T shares for block 5695762 | 2018-05-29 07:14:47.521634
536280 | eth1 | ETH | 0xbf9c6349111298f42b767bd603826e6c2acbd9cb | -0.019501897309 | Balance reset after payment | 2018-05-17 18:05:09.098905
536201 | eth1 | ETH | 0xbf9c6349111298f42b767bd603826e6c2acbd9cb | 0.019501897309 | Reward for 20.9 T shares for block 5630524 | 2018-05-17 18:03:32.663662
530836 | eth1 | ETH | 0xbf9c6349111298f42b767bd603826e6c2acbd9cb | -0.019652967602 | Balance reset after payment | 2018-05-16 20:36:55.584757
530721 | eth1 | ETH | 0xbf9c6349111298f42b767bd603826e6c2acbd9cb | 0.019652967602 | Reward for 21.53 T shares for block 5625430 | 2018-05-16 20:35:36.756962
521848 | eth1 | ETH | 0xbf9c6349111298f42b767bd603826e6c2acbd9cb | -0.022431152074 | Balance reset after payment | 2018-05-15 14:13:25.511712
521728 | eth1 | ETH | 0xbf9c6349111298f42b767bd603826e6c2acbd9cb | 0.022431152074 | Reward for 23.19 T shares for block 5618247 | 2018-05-15 14:11:29.530095
494421 | eth1 | ETH | 0xbf9c6349111298f42b767bd603826e6c2acbd9cb | -0.022706687857 | Balance reset after payment | 2018-05-12 00:08:05.995578
494326 | eth1 | ETH | 0xbf9c6349111298f42b767bd603826e6c2acbd9cb | 0.022706687857 | Reward for 25.24 T shares for block 5597753 | 2018-05-12 00:06:07.843152
466718 | eth1 | ETH | 0xbf9c6349111298f42b767bd603826e6c2acbd9cb | -0.013686632743 | Balance reset after payment | 2018-05-08 19:35:34.60164
466607 | eth1 | ETH | 0xbf9c6349111298f42b767bd603826e6c2acbd9cb | 0.007445107003 | Reward for 8.53 T shares for block 5579525 | 2018-05-08 19:34:04.013295
458880 | eth1 | ETH | 0xbf9c6349111298f42b767bd603826e6c2acbd9cb | 0.000783863254 | Reward for 1.19 T shares for block 5574259 | 2018-05-07 21:47:16.290088
170594 | eth1 | ETH | 0xbf9c6349111298f42b767bd603826e6c2acbd9cb | 0.000517165500 | Reward for 564.05 G shares for block 5293692 | 2018-03-21 06:38:04.180027
65293 | eth1 | ETH | 0xbf9c6349111298f42b767bd603826e6c2acbd9cb | 0.004940496986 | Reward for 5 T shares for block 5215249 | 2018-03-07 23:29:47.634025
10173 | eth1 | ETH | 0xbf9c6349111298f42b767bd603826e6c2acbd9cb | -0.011813293818 | Balance reset after payment | 2018-02-25 16:53:39.453512
10030 | eth1 | ETH | 0xbf9c6349111298f42b767bd603826e6c2acbd9cb | 0.011813293818 | Reward for 23.92 T shares for block 5154577 | 2018-02-25 16:47:24.314076
(21 rows)

Thank you for looking into this.  The mining was definitely on this pool, and I agree the last payment to the wallet happened on 6/21.

The issue is I had earned over 230T shares after that point in time which remain unpaid.  Honestly, with the closure of your ETH mining pool (for now at least) it doesn't seem likely that I will be compensated for this.  It does, however, remain a fact that I mined 24/7 on this pool for weeks, earning those ~230T shares which now remain unpaid and in limbo.  Admittedly I am only a very small miner with just 3 1070 cards, but this experience does lead me to look at other pools going forward.

P.S.  Sorry if I was unclear, I didn't mean to say I had .2 ETH earned and unpaid.  I meant that I had > 230T shares earned that remained unpaid.  Obviously, that doesn't happen until the pool mines a block, which is why I said above its unlikely I'll ever see those shares turned into ETH.

The ETH and ETC pools will return for sure. But since I realize that the current situation is far from ideal for the miners I will try to come up with a fair solution for an interim compensation. Could you please contact me via contact@coinfoundry.org?

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